OK, that is identical to Matlab's pcolor. Learn more about pcolor, grid, edges, property editor Differences between imshow and pcolor Using pcolor to create a a color scale.. Once I read the data in, I use mesh() to make a plot. Subplots, axes, and figures fahrenheit_celsius_scales subplot_demo. This MATLAB function sets the colormap for the current figure to one of the predefined colormaps. MATLAB Cookbook -- teaching MATLAB by example. Removing grid/edge lines in pcolor() figure. Style sheets plot_bmh plot_dark_background plot_fivethirtyeight plot_ggplot ColorSpec is not a function; it refers to the three ways in which you specify color for MATLAB graphics: Hi, Whenever I use pcolor for a checkerboard plot the lines of my x-axis and y-axis disappear. Learn more about pcolor, gnuplot, matlab MATLAB and Simulink Student Suite Id like to overlay two different *pcolor* plots with different colormaps (e.g., one image is the default colormap and the other is grayscale). I am using pcolor with faceted shading to plot a matrix in a dynamic model as a grid. Hi, I'm trying to overlay a pcolor plot representing a density map over a tiff image (representing a map of a city), but when I do it, I obtain a wrong result. If you have a matrix and want to plot its content as an image, matplotlib provides some functions such as imshow and pcolor. This problem can be reproduced even with the example in the matlab help! The pcolor command is chopping off my data along two sides. Id like to overlay two different *pcolor* plots with different colormaps (e.g., one image is the default colormap and the other is grayscale). I would then like to convert the matlab .fig into a pdf. Learn more about pcolor, gnuplot, matlab MATLAB and Simulink Student Suite recipes: Plotting: 2D Data: Missing pcolor data Problem. How to use pcolor with putting color smoothly?. pcolor(C) uses the values in C to define the vertex colors by scaling the values to map to the full range of the colormap. I'm trying to use matlab's pcolor feature. This MATLAB function sets the colormap limits for the current axes. I have some data (a function of two parameters) stored in a matlab format, and I'd like to use matlab to plot it. How to use pcolor with putting color smoothly?. But wait, what if we omit the coordinates? Hi dear MATLAB user, Im making a FDTD (acoustic preassure) model and at the end of each calculation representing the preassure. Learn more about pcolor, color scale, color Next: pylab_examples example code: pcolor_log.py; This Page. authors: Emmanuelle Gouillart, Didrik Pinte, Gal Varoquaux, and Pauli Virtanen However, whenever I do this, the graphics quality becomes awful. This MATLAB function displays a vertical colorbar to the right of the current axes or chart. Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. file exchange and newsgroup access for the MATLAB & Simulink user community