Case Study: Christchurch September 2010/February 2011 Where did it happen?Christchurch is located on the east ofSouth Island of New Zealand. Faculty Chair in Earthquake Engineering Excellence Earthquake collateral effects: Ground shaking and rupture, damage, fires, spill of chemicals, radioactivity and nuclear power plants,flooding Investigating Liquefaction Effects in Christchurch, New Zealand Jonathan Bray, Ph.D., P.E., NAE. Causes of the Christchurch Earthquakes. Christchurch earthquake case study 1. One month on from the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that hit Christchurch on February 23, the physical and psycholigical effects are still being felt. ... On January 12, 2010, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake ravaged Haiti. As expected this natural disaster had a devastating effect on Haitis economy, as What were some of the secondary effects of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake? More than 230,000 people were killed. Earthquake Case Studies: Haiti (2010) and New Zealand ... Australian search and rescue teams began operating in Christchurch the day after the earthquake. From 4 September 2010 until 4 September 2011, there were around 9,000 aftershocks and earthquakes. Haiti Earthquake: Facts, Damage, Effects on Economy. The fronts of some Christchurch city buildings collapsed during the first September 2010 earthquake. For the aftershock that occurred on 13 June 2011, see June 2011 Christchurch earthquake. In September 1010, Christchurch was struck by an earthquake that measured 7.1 on the Richter scale. Update Cancel. Latest breaking news articles, photos, video, blogs, reviews, analysis, opinion and reader comment from New Zealand and around the World - NZ Herald A 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit this small nations capital, leaving the city in ruins. Japan's most powerful earthquake since records began has struck the north-east coast, triggering a massive tsunami. ... What are the social effects of the Haiti earthquake in 2010? 6 months earlier on 4 th September 2010 another massive magnitude 7.1 earthquake caused significant damage to Christchurch and the central Canterbury region, but with no direct fatalities. Image: LEARNZ. Although many buildings collapsed, no one was killed and very few were injured. The island is located in the Pacific Ocean on the conservative boundary between the Indo-Australian plate and the Pacific plate. An earthquake occurred in Christchurch on 22 February 2011 at 12:51 p.m. local time (23:51 21 February UTC) and registered 6.3 on the Richter scale. The September 2010 earthquake caused two Christchurch ... in 2010 dollars. The Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 have had a major economic and fiscal impact on the region itself and on New Zealand as a whole. It was magnitude 4.9 and 12 kms deep. In September 1010, Christchurch was struck by an earthquake that measured 7.1 on the Richter scale. Causes of the Christchurch Earthquakes. Effects in Christchurch. The NZ Super Fund says it has excluded companies involved in the recreational cannabis industry from its investment strategy. Some of these were very strong and caused more damage to buildings and land. At least 65 people have died after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch on New Zealand's South ... New Zealand earthquake: ... 8 September 2010. Answer Wiki. The city of Christchurch has experienced two significant earthquakes since September 4th 2010, and an aftershock sequence of nearly 15,000 smaller events. An earthquake occurred in Christchurch on 22 February 2011 at 12:51 p.m. local time (23:51 21 February UTC) and registered 6.3 on the Richter scale. On the 4th September 2010 at 4.35am a huge 7.1M earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand. 8.8 magnitude earthquake occurred of the coast of Chile at approximately 3.30 am local time, lasting up to 90 seconds.